Trees & Shrubs Flowering Trees [offsite link]
Information for homeowners regarding the selection, planting and care of flowering trees for the yard.
Pink and Red Flowered Drift Roses
Drift roses come in a wide range of colors, including pink and red.
The New Fedco Tree Catalog
The 2022 Fedco tree catalog is now available.
A Tree for Shelterbelts and Windbreaks
Honey locust is an adaptable, large, native tree that does well in zones 4 through 8. It is a great choice for windbreaks and shelterbelts
Additional Easy Care Shrubs
Some shrubs are easier to grow. These easy care choices include the following.
Additional Plants of Winter Interest
Gardeners can add winter interest to the landscape with paperbark maple and other plants.
Additional Woody Plants With Scented Blooms
Some trees and shrubs feature fragrant blossoms. These include the fragrant snowball and others.
Alders for the Landscape
The alders aren't as common as some landscape plants. These deserve consideration.
America and Above All Climbing Roses
America and Above All climbing roses have earned a much coveted place of honor in home landscapes.
Amur Maple
Everyone welcomes the warm tones of the autumn foliage. However, some plants with gorgeous fall color are nondescript the rest of the year. Happily, that isn´t so for the Amur maple.
Angel Face and Campfire Roses
Angel Face and Campfire roses are two outstanding rose varieties. These are ideal for home landscapes.
Archduke Charles Rose
Old garden roses remain popular despite all the new varieties introduced each year. Archduke Charles rose is an example.
Arctic Blue and Blue Girl Roses
Arctic Blue and Blue Girl roses are two novelty rose varieties that are noted for their unusual flower colors.
Award Winning Plants for 2006
Each year, the best trees, shrubs, and woody vines are singled out for special honors. Here are details on some of these 2006 winners.
Balsam Poplar
Balsam poplar is a very hardy native tree that does well in zones 2 through 4.
Bay Laurel
Bay laurel is also known as sweet bay. This is a perfect plant for warm climates.
Beliefs About Bay or Laurel
Over the years many properties have been attributed to bay.
Bloodtwig Dogwood
Bloodtwig dogwood brings a lot of color to the landscape. This is a useful and versatile plant.
Box Elder
Box elder is a tough native tree found in many areas of the country.
Bur Oak or Mossy Cup Oak
Bur oak or mossy cup oak is a very hardy native tree.
Camellias are one of my favorite flowers. When I first moved to North Carolina, I couldn´t get over the fact that they frequently bloom during the cold months.
Chinese Lilac
Chinese lilac is a versatile heirloom plant. It was discovered in Rpuen, France in 1777.
Choosing Shrubs
Shrubs are amaong the most useful and colorful group of landscape plants. Choosing shrubs isn´t always easy.
Choosing Trees
Of all the plants in the landscape, trees are the most endearing.
Choosing Trees for the Home Landscape
Of all the plants in the landscape, trees are the most enduring. Select ones that are well adapted and a proper size for the landscape.
Classic Old Garden Roses
Gardeners will find many varieties of old garden roses are available, These include Souvenir de la Malmaison rose and Marie van Houtte rose.
Colorado Juniper
Colorado juniper is an adaptable native evergreen that is perfect for windbreaks and screens.
Disease Resistant Crab Apples
Gardeners can't go wrong with disease resistant crab apples. These are care free plants.
Double Delight and Ebb Tide Roses
Double Delight rose and Ebb Tide rose are two very special rose varieties. These are perfect for home gardens.
Douglas Fir
Douglas fir is a magnificent, long lived native tree.
Dwarf Asiatic Elm
Dwarf Asiatic elm is a very hardy, versatile tree. It is suited to zones 2 through 9.
Eastern Red Cedar
Eastern red cedar is a very versatile, tolerant native evergreen tree. It is suited to zones 3 though 9.
Easy Care Crabs
When looking for easy care trees, keep the disease resistant crabs in mind. These plants require a minimum of attention.
Easy Care Shrubs
Easy care shrubs are a busy gardener's best friends. These require less water, fertilizer, and attention.
Easy to Grow Trees
Some trees are easy to grow. These require a minimum of care and few problems.
Fedco [offsite link]
Fedco offers untreated seeds and organic plants and roots as well as organic gardening supplies. Among their offerings are trees as well as bulbs and tubers.
Flowering Quince
The flowering quince are beautiful flowering shrubs. Resistant to deer, thee have many uses in the landscape.
Fragrant Cloud and Happy Trails Roses
Fragrant Cloud and the Happy Trails series of roses are outstanding varieties of roses. These are highly recommended for landscapes.
Frida Kahlo and Julia Child Roses
Roses are often named for celebrities and other famous people. Examples include the Frida Kahlo floribunda rose and the Julia Child floribunda rose.
Garden Catalogs 2021--Edmund's Roses
It's that wondrous time of year when the garden and seed catalogs arrive. I'll present highlights from some of those. Edmund's Rose catalog will be featured this week.
The brilliant yellow fall foliage of the ginkgo or maidenhair tree is reason enough to love this handsome shade tree. It is a living relic.
Globeflower is a lovely graceful flowering shrub. It does best in zones 5 through 9.
Ground Cover Roses
Certain rose varieties make good ground covers. Ground cover roses are versatile plants.
Growing Oaks
The oaks are generally free of most pests and disease problems. There are many kinds from which gardeners can choose.
Growing Osage Orange
The osage orange is a picturesque easy to grow native tree.
Growing Palms in Cold Climates
Whether they're growing in containers or planted in the ground, palms make a bold statement in the landscape. A number are reasonably hardy to zone seven.
Growing the London Plane Tree
The London plane tree is an adaptable, tough, sturdy plant that is easy to grow.
Hackberry is a versatile, tolerant, tough native tree. It can assume various roles in the landscape.
Heirloom Climbing Roses
Old garden roses possess a unique charm. That is especially true for old climbing roses, such as Perle de Jardines.
History of Bay or Laurel
Bay was a sacred plant among the ancients.
Introduction to Osage Orange Tree
The osage orange is a native tree that is best suited to zones four through eight.
Introduction to the Beautyberries
The very fruitful beautyberries are best known for the luminous purp0le to amethyst berries. The genus name refers to the beautiful fruits.
Joseph's Coat and the Robin Hood Climbing Roses
Joseph's coat rose and Robin Hood rose are two outstanding climbing roses.
Lady of Shalott Rose
The Lady of Shalott rose is an award winning David Austin hybrid rose. It is highly recommended for zones five through nine.
Leland Cypress
Leland cypress cypress is widely used for screens and hedges partly because it is very fast growing.
Mister Lincoln and the Peace Rose
The Mister Lincoln hybrid tea rose and the Peace hybrid tea rose are very special rose varieties.
More Disease Resistant Crabs
There are many disease resistant crabs from which gardeners can choose. The following are particularly outstanding.
More Easy to Grow Shrubs
Busy gardeners can choose from a number of easy to grow shrubs. These include the following.
More Easy to Grow Trees
Some trees are relatively easy to grow. These species are especially suitable for novice gardeners. They're generally easy to transplant and are undemanding.
More Plants for Winter Interest
Quite a few trees and shrubs can provide winter interest to the landscape. Those with ppicturesque shapes or colorful, exfoliating bark are examples.
More Trees for Wet Soils
Certain kinds of trees are adapted to wet soils. Gardeners can select from the following for their damp sites.
More Woody Plants with Scented Blooms
Quite a few trees and shrubs feature fragrant blossoms. Gardeners can choose from the following species.
Native Shrubs for Wet Soils
Certain native shrubs do well in damp gardens. These include inkberry and red chokecherry.
New World Mulberry History
There were numerous attempts to produce silkworms and mulberries in the New World. This happened in both the Spanish and English controlled areas.
Old World Mulberry History
Mulberries were grown during ancient times, especially in Asia. The ancient Greeks as well as the Romans cultivated the plants.
Olive History in the New World
Olive trees are comparatively new to the New World in sharp contrast to that in the Old World..
Olive Tree in the Middle Ages
The olive tree played a role in human history under the eastern Roman Empire and among Christians
Olive Use in Ancient Rome
Olive oil and olives were staples in the diet of the ancient Romans.
Olive Uses in Ancient Greece
Both olive oil and olives played important roles in the lives of the ancient Greeks.
Origins of the London Plane Tree
The remarkable London plane tree has been around for three hundred years or so. It is a great addition to the landscape.
Osage Orange
Osage orange is a reliable, long lived, well adapted native tree. It is very popular in the South.
Party Hardy and Neil Diamond Roses
Party Hardy and Neil Diamond Roses are two outstanding modern roses for landscapes.
Pearly Gates and Top Gun Roses
Gardeners can choose from hundreds of rose varieties. Pearly Gates and Top Guns are touch reliable plants that stand out from the crowd.
Pink Flowered Old Garden Roses
A number of old garden roses bear lovely pink blossoms. These include Hermosa rose and Honorine de Brabant rose.
Plants for the Winter Garden
Some garden plants can add interest to the landscape in the winter months. The birches with colorful bar is one example.
Plants for Winter Interest
Certain garden plants are at their best during the winter months. These include ones with interesting fruits, exfoliating bark, and the like.
Puzzling Questions about the Osage Orange Tree
Several puzzling questions come to mind about the osage orange tree.
Red Osier Dogwood
Red osier dogwood is a wonderful colorful addition to the landscape
Reverence for Trees
Reverence for trees has long been a part of human history. The ancients revered trees and planted sacred groves.
Rio Sambra and Henry Fonda roses
Rio Sambra and Henry Fonda roses are two highly recommended rose varieties for the home landscape.
Role of the Ancient Groves
The ancient Greeks planted sacred groves, which included olive trees. The groves filled various roles.
Saskatoon is a tough, versatile, adaptable native plant.
Shrubby and Tree-like Plants for Warm Climates
Gardeners in warmer areas can choose from a number of shrubby and tree-like plants, such as rosemary.
Silver Maple
Silver maple is an easy to grow tough native tree. It can play many roles in the landscape.
Small Trees for the Small Landscape
When choosing trees for small landscapes, here are some things to consider.
Snowberries and Coralberries
At first glance, you might think the ghostly white snowberries and the coralberries have nothing in common. In fact, these are related species. They´re in the same group known as Symphoricapos. These versatile shrubs can be used in various ways throughout the landscape.
Some Beautiful Disease Resistant Crabs
The crabs are among the loveliest of the flowering trees. Here are some disease resistant crabs that are perfect for landscapes.
Some Disease Resistant Crabs
When choosing a flowering crab, it is a good idea to keep disease resistance in mind. The following disease resistant crabs are highly recommended.
Some Hawthorns for the Landscape
Hawthorns are lovely flowering trees. Blooming in the spring, these are great additions to the landscape.
Some Knock Out Roses
This article features the original Knock Out rose as well as the newest one.
Some Pastel Flowered Drift Roses
A number of the Drift ground cover rose varieties feature pastel blossoms. These include White Drift and Icy Drift roses.
Some Pastel Flowered Knock Out Roses
A number of the Knock Out roses feature pastel colored blossoms. These include Blushing Knock Out Rose.
Some Pink and Red Flowered Knock Out Roses
Several pink and red flowered Knock Out roses are available. These include Double Red Knock and Double Pink Knock Out rooses.
Some Recommended Beautyberry Species
Less than ten or so species of beautyberries are in cultivation. The following are recommended for American gardens.
Some Serviceberries for the Landscape
The serviceberries are outstanding trees for the landscape. They're spectacular in the spring when they're in full bloom.
Some Wonderful Flowering Crabs
When choosing flowering trees, it is hard to beat the flowering crabs. Herre are some recommended disease resistant crab apples for the landscape.
Spring Meadow Nursery [offsite link]
This is a wholesale site, but the plants are available at local nurseries and garden centers under the Proven Winner brand. At this site you can see the many new varieties of flowering shrubs. The site includes pages for home gardeners.
Stars Among Old Garden Roses
Old garden roses possess unique beauty. Here are some outstanding old garden roses.
The American Beautyberry
The American beautyberry is a native shrub found over much of the South. This is quite suitable for warm climates, such as Florida and Hawaii.
The Bayberry
Though they aren't hardy in all areas of the U.S., the bayberries are a wonderful group of evergreens for the landscape.
The Eastern Redbud
All of the redbuds are excellent small trees for the landscape. Eastern redbud is the most popular.
The Forsythias
The forsythias are easy to grow flowering shrubs. Resistant to deer, these are popular flowering shrubs.
The Honey Locust
The native honey locust is an excellent tree for small yards.
The Kousa Dogwood
The dazzling Kousa dogwood provides beauty in every season. This is especially true during the winter months when we need it the most. For landscape use, it is hard to find a woody plant that is more attractive than the Kousa.
The Olive Tree in Ancient Egypt
Olive trees were grown from ancient Egypt to Crete. The Egyptian goddess Isis was credited with bringing knowledge of the plant to Egypt.
The Olive Tree in Biblical History
Olive trees played a role in people's lives in the Holy Land during Biblical times.
The Osage Orange Tree
This attractive tree features thorny branches and zig zag branchlets along with beautiful yellow fall color.
The Symbolism of Myrtle
For ancient people, myrtle was a very symbolic plant.
The Versatile Fuchsias
For landscapes during the spring and fall months, the fuchsia is unmatched. This Victorial favorite came into cultivation in Europe in the late 1700´s.
The Versatile Myrtle
Myrtle is so much more than just a beautiful ornamental. This plant has many uses.
Tree of Heaven
Tree of heaven is a short lived, weak wooded, invasive tree that adapts well to urban areas.
Tripple Brook Farm [offsite link]
This site offers 450 plant varieties, including many fine under-used natives and cold hardy exotics. Many of these are suitable for edible landscapes and bird gardens.
Tropicana and Blaze Improved Roses
Tropicana and Blaze Improved roses are two reliable, easy to grow roses for the home landscape.
White Spruce
This very hardy native evergreen tree is used for shelterbelts, and windbreaks in cold regions.
Wild Plum
Wild plum is a very hardy, relatively long lived native tree.
Winter Blooming Heaths
Winter gardens need not be boring. By choosing carefully, we can often find plants that bloom during the colder months. That is the case with the winter-blooming heaths. Among these are Cornish heath and winter heath.
Woody Plants for the Cottage Garden
Quite a few kinds of woody plants are well suited to cottage gardens. Here are some suggestions.
Woody Plants for Wet Soils
So many woody plants require well drained soils. Here are some choices for wet spots in the garden.
Woody Plants with Fragrant Flowers
Quite a few of the woody plants bear scented blossoms. Gardeners can choose from the following.
Yellow and Apricot Drift Roses
The Drift ground cover come in many flower colors. Here are details on the yellow and apricot ones.
Zephirine Drouhin Climbing Rose
Climbing roses are very popular landscape plants. Zephirine Drouhin climbing rose is an outstanding heirloom variety.
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